Kamis, 18 April 2013

Orange Smoothie recipe to Weight loss

    Orangeis a healthy fruits. But orange can be used as weight loss diet.  Smoothie of orange with different healthy elements will help much for Quick Weight loss. We will make combination of orange, carrots and ginger which will remove fat from smoothie. Lets know about Orange Smoothie Recipe.

     Nutrition facts of OrangeSmoothie :
  Get a quick view of orange smoothie with this chart. Orange full with protein, vitamin, minerals.  Orange Smoothie recipe is high fiber .You should have frozen Orange.

Your Orange-Ginger smoothie contain-
Vitamin A: 1061% RDA
Vitamin C: 232% RDA
Fat: 0g
Calories: 196
Carbohydrates: 48g
Protein: 3g
Iron: 4% RDA
 Vitamin B1,
Vitamin B4,

    Orange fruit smoothie :
Follow below steps to make a glass orange smoothie.
  Ingredients :
  1. Two oranges,
  2. Chopped  carrots,
  3. Ginger ,
  4. Water,

 How to Make OrangeSmoothie recipe :
  • Put squeezed orange in blender,
  • Now mix carrots and Ginger,
  • Put water to make that mix smooth,
  • Make sure fiber of orange are smooth,
  • Blend that until Smooth.
    Your smoothie is ready. Now enjoy that smoothie with fiber and loss weight including that in your diet plan. That is simple orange smoothie recipe.

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